UIPath Answers for UiPath Lesson 10 PDF quiz

Answers for UiPath Level 1 Lesson 10 PDF quiz

What does the Find Image activity return?
Ans : – An UI element object.
How can you start an application within a Citrix environment?(Select all that apply.)
Ans : – Double clicking its icon on the desktop
– Define a shortcut key and then trigger the app with a Send Hotkey activity
How can we make sure that an app is in a certain state in a Citrix environment?
Ans : – By waiting for certain UI elements to appear or disappear and making decisions based on that.
Which of the following activities can be used to select an item in drop down list, in Citrix?(Select all that apply.)
Ans : – Click OCR Text
– Click Image
What can be done when the Windows Remote Connection doesn’t allow sending hotkeys?
Ans : – It should work if the Windows Remote Connection is in ‘full-screen’ mode.
How can you specify the location of a PDF file?
Ans : – As a full path to the PDF
– As a relative path
What is the easiest way to get the invoice number from a native PDF file?
Ans : – Open the PDF with Acrobat and scrape only relevant information
Ui Automation (open .pdf document in Adobe Acrobat Reader, then Get Text)
Ans : – Read PDF with OCR activity
Will the Read PDF with OCR activity open the PDF document on the screen in order to read it?
Ans : – No
If the PDF contains both images and native text, what activity should you use to read all the text from it?
Ans : – Read PDF with OCR
How can a robot read only the first page of a PDF file, using the PDF activities?
Ans : – Set the Range property to: “1”
If the PDF activities are not listed in your Activities Panel, how can you get them?
Ans : – By installing them using the Manage Packages feature.
We have a native PDF invoice and we need to read the amount in USD next to the label AMOUNT. What methods can we apply to get the desired value?
Ans : – Open the file in Acrobat Reader or any other compatible PDF reader and use Anchor Base with the label as an anchor
– Use the Get Text activity with a reliable selector (if available) in order to only retrieve the amount from the PDF file.
If you want to extract specific information from a series of PDF files with a similar structure but the workflow only works for one file of the series, what should you investigate?
Ans : – The Selector property.
Which of the following statements regarding the Read PDF with OCR activity are true?
Ans : – it works with native .pdf files
– it allows you to specify the range of pages to be read
– it can use different OCR engines (Microsoft, Google)
Which of the following methods can be used for reading text from a native .pdf document?
Ans : – UI Autimantion (open . pdf document in Adobe Acrobat Reader, then Get Text)
– Read PDF with OCR activity
– Read PDF with Text activity
Which of the following activities requires the PDF file to be opened with Acrobat Reader in order to read it?
Ans : – Get Text
What activity should you use to extract all the text from the PDF file?
Ans : – Read PDF with OCR
– Read PDF with Text
If you want to extract specific information from multiple native PDF files with the same structure, what activity should you use?
Ans : – Get Text
The Read PDF with OCR activity will throw an error if the following is not specified:
Ans : – The FileName property.
– The OCR Engine that is to be used.