UIPath Answers for UiPath Lesson 12 Debugging & Exception Handling quiz

Answers for UiPath Level 1 Lesson 12 Debugging & Exception Handling quiz

If you want to wait until a UI Element becomes available on the screen, what activity should you use?
Ans : – Find Element
What happens if you put a Breakpoint on a Click activity and start the workflow in Debug mode?
Ans : – The workflow will be paused until you click the Continue button when it reaches that activity.
What is the most effective way to handle the click on a UI Element that is not always available?
Ans : – By placing the Click activity inside a Try/Catch block.
What is recommended to have in a Catch block?
Ans : – An alternative to the approach that fails
– A LogMessage activity
When you have more than one exception type defined in the Catch block, which block is executed?
Ans : – The block with most specific match
Where can you see the variables’ values during workflow execution?
Ans : – In the Locals pane
If you need to stop the workflow until a UI Element has disappeared from the screen, what activity should you use?
Ans : – Wait Element Vanish
The Finally block of a Try/Catch activity is executed when:
Ans : – Every time, regardless if an exception occurred or not.
Where can you find more details about the following error that appears when loading a workflow: “Activity could not be loaded because of  errors in the XAML”?
Ans : – In Output pane
How many Catches can you have in a Try/Catch block?
Ans : – There is no limit on the number of catches.
What does the Locals panel display when you are working in Debug mode?
Ans : – The current values of your variables.
What activity can be used in a Citrix environment to check whether a UI element is displayed or not?
Ans : – Image Exists
What can you use to make sure that the execution continues even if an activity fails?
Ans : – Try/Catch activity
How can execution be paused before a particular activity?
Ans : – By using a breakpoint in Debug mode
– By using a Break activity
How can you run the process slower in order to analyze the robots behavior in certain conditions?
Ans : – by using Slow Step and running the workflow in Debug mode
– by using Slow Step and starting the workflow normally (maybe)
If you need to know if a UI Element is available on the screen or not, what activity should you use?
Ans : – Element Exists
When running a workflow how can you see the steps the workflow is executing?
Ans : – using Debug with Highlight Activities option – using Debug and inspecting the Output panel
Can you run the robot manually, step by step, in order to analyze the robot behavior in certain conditions?
Ans : – Yes, by using Step Into and Step Over. – Yes, by using Breakpoints and running the workflow in Debug mode.