UiPath Answers for Data Service quiz

Answers for Data Service Quiz

The Contact field of the Profile entity is a relationship to the ContactInformation entity. The Display Field is Email. What datatype do you need to assign in Studio to the Contact field?

  • Choose one of the options below

Ans:- ContactInformation

The Customer field of the Invoice entity is a relationship to the Company entity. The display field is set to the Name field of the Company entity. The variables created in Studio have the names Invoice and Company. 
How would you assign information to the Customer field of the Invoice variable?

  • Choose one of the options below

Ans:- Invoice.Customer = Company

What datatype do you need to assign in Studio to a field of type Number? 

  • Choose one of the options below


What are the the requirements for using Data Service?

  • Choose all the options that apply 


-UiPath Assistant or Robot connected to a Modern folder in your cloud account

– Data Service enabled for your tennant

-UiPath Studio 2020.8 or higher

-Having an Automation Cloud account

Which of the following objects of entity type do you need to initialize before use?

  • Choose all the options that apply


-an out argument getting data from several string variables

-a variable getting data from several string variables